Carbon project update

4 min readJan 21, 2021

It’s been a big week for Carbon. We have started to gain a lot of attention and our community and token holder numbers are growing fast. It’s time for an update on our progress in development, marketing and more.

Development progress:

As you may be aware, we have shifted more towards the social features to offer a new platform for the millions of people who have left other social platforms over the past few weeks. We want to make sure the social feed is working well, even during beta stage. One part of this change is to ensure the account creation and usernames during beta carry through to the live, fully launched product. There is a lot more work involved to make the beta more of a finished, usable platform that doesn’t feel raw or experimental. Our primary goal is to gain and then retain users. There is a fresh sense of urgency surrounding social platforms so we are working around the clock to create a place our users love, and choose to stay.

A key part of our beta launch is the account creation and username claiming process. We have been advertising the need to “be ready” for this time, and have had a great response (more about that in the marketing update). The date for Carbon account creation and username selection will be January 31st. We’re going to need a little more time for the beta platform to go live to account for the slight shift in focus towards mainstream social. This will also give us more time to build interest. So, whilst you won’t be able to use the platform just yet, you do not want to miss out on the account creation and username claiming. A good Carbon username may be very valuable in future.

Marketing progress:

It didn’t take much for Carbon to begin trending on CoinGecko (we reached number 1 and stayed there for many hours). A few tweets from large accounts, and off we went. Timing is absolutely critical with marketing.

The catalyst for this sudden interest was our announcement that we have partnered with major crypto service Dextools. This is a great partnership for us, as we can integrate with their service via our wallet feature, providing token information, charts, official trading links and more. We will also benefit from the attention of their huge existing user base. We’ll also be featured in a sponsored position on the Dextools website from tomorrow. A few days prior to this news, we also partnered with DAPS Coin to offer a privacy coin solution to our users, down the track.

We are working on more partnerships too, with the aim of expanding our service to make Carbon the all-in-one platform we want it to be. It is highly likely we will have more partnership news soon, so stay tuned.

We are also in communication with multiple popular YouTubers with the intention of reviewing the Carbon project. We’ll aim for coverage before beta release, and then again afterwards. It is very difficult locking in dates for video coverage. They are all very busy, but we are constantly pushing and have clear interest from them. It’s only a matter of when. We have reserved marketing budget for this purpose.

We have been approaching influencers, both in crypto and mainstream, to let them know about Carbon and urge them to claim their username and create an account (and hopefully use the platform). We’ve had a great response thus far, with around 15 expressions of interest, with a follower count of over 2 million already. If they join Carbon and even a small portion of their followers join too, Carbon will gain momentum faster than many would think possible. Another advantage to approaching influencers is making contact for potential future collaboration (many of them are crypto YouTubers).

We’re also planning to hire a successful crypto marketing agency to work with us and continue to build Carbon’s brand and presence. They have worked with several other crypto projects that seemed to come out of nowhere to become “household names” in crypto, so this is exactly what we are after. We’ve come to an agreement and should be working with them shortly on a month by month basis.

Marketing summary:
- Partnerships formed with Dextools and DAPS Coin
- More partnerships likely coming soon
- YouTube reviews coming from popular channels
- Influencers coming on board and claiming usernames
- We’re hiring a top marketing agency
- CRBN trended #1 on CoinGecko
- Over 500 people have signed up to be alerted of the account creation event and beta release


Everything is coming together and we’ve been very happy with the response and general interest in Carbon. We are confident in the success of the platform and are getting closer and closer to launch. There will be ups and downs along the way but our focus, as it always has been, is on the product and its users. Every other element of our success will follow. Carbon is and always has been a long term deal. We’re here to stay, and good things take time.

Daniel and Rob

